Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wanna have a Jogging Buddy? Wear a Tap Out Shirt! LOL!

Wanna have a Jogging Buddy? Wear a Tap Out Shirt! LOL! When you're jogging around the village and you see familiar faces, they'd probably talk to you when they see you wearing one. It can most likely be a conversation starter specifically to those who are into MMA. Well, It happened to me...

Here are some of the training outfits I liked... Gotta order them online though since there's no Tapout Franchice in Manila Love yet.. ( correct me if I'm wrong please..)

"I Love BLACK Remember? "

  " Girly Much "

" Plain & Simple"

Check their site:


  1. That's only gonna work for pretty and sexy girls like you miss

  2. I disagree, I'm not pretty and sexy but someone approached me.. =P
