Monday, July 23, 2012

He Loves Me, He Loves Me NOT!

       "This is a story of boy meets girl ... but this in NOT a Love Story"

Rachel: " Just coz some cute girl like the same bizarre crap you do, that doesn't make her your Soulmate DUMB!"

Summer: "I just don't feel comfortable being anyone's girlfriend... i don't actually feel comfortable being anyone's anything"

Tom: What happens if you fall in love 
Summer:Well you don't believe that, don't you?  
Tom: It's love, It's not Santa Claus!

Summer: " Tom don't go.. You're still my BESTFRIEND!"

Tom: " Either she's an evil, emotionless, miserable human being, or... she's a robot."

 (Lines from 500 Days of Summer)

They say that there are 5 stages of relationships...


Step 1: Attraction and Romance

This is the get-to-know-each-other stage. Everything's like a dream. You're finally talking to the person you've been dreaming about since the day you've met. Long hours talking on the phone... texting sweet nothings... coffee dates.. movie dates.. Everything seems perfect.

Step 2:  The Discovery

After the getting-to-know-each-other stage... discovering reality comes next. This is when you discover what the other person is like in real-life and this is the stage when you'll know their deepest darkest secrets.  During this stage, the initial excitement of being together fades somehow..

Step 3:  Disappointment

"No expectations, No disappointments!" True.. but when you're in a relationship it's impossible NOT to EXPECT! So yes, this is the stage where you start arguing about every single little detail of your existence!

Step 4: Stability

After surviving all the fights and arguments in stage 3, stability comes in. This is when you learn to accept the flaws of the other person and you learn to deal with your indifference.

Step 5: Commitment

And Finally, the Commitment Stage. This is when you both know that your relationship is settled, you know you are together, and you can finally relax BUT FYI ONLY FEW people reaches this part. Why? Simple... "They just don't see the other person in their future." This is why they don't feel the need to COMPROMISE, Take RESPONSIBILITY or even RESTRICT themselves in doing what they want. 

They CAN be IN-LOVE but just not enough to make them stay together as a couple or settle down...

Just like Summer in the movie "500 Days of Summer"


Well, I have lots of friends like "TOM" or "Summer" and I always tell them that it's important that expectations should be set CLEARLY before entering a relationship specifically when one of you doesn't want to be in a commitment to avoid all the dramas and the teleserye-like fights. Plus there should also be check-points to make sure that both of you are still on the same page.

And when you feel that the other person is falling in love with you already.. BAIL OUT AND NEVER LOOK BACK! 


  1. I Agree!! There's only one rule here.. Never get hurt!! But well, that's impossible unless you're heartless like you said! =P

  2. So are you still heartless?
