Thursday, August 30, 2012

Who is Tobi?? #Naruto #GeekModeOn

Yes!! I read Manga and the latest Naruto manga's driving all of us crazy!!

Tobi's real identity on the Table!!

Spoiler Disclaimer: If you haven't read the latest Naruto Manga yet, STOP READING! CONSIDER YOURSELF WARNED!! #Naruto



Who is Tobi? It says he's Obito but I find it illogical! 

Here's Why: 

1. Obito was too young when Tobi fought Minato... It's impossible for Obito to suddenly grow that tall and that strong to match Minato!!!

2. Tobi also didn't know Minato when they fought! Obito was Minato's student. He should know his own teacher right?

After extensive research and open discussions about this, we've come to a conclusion that TOBI IS NOT OBITO!!


Kabuto was able to raise the most powerful ninjas except for those who were permanently sealed... So why was he unable to raise Izuna, given that history claims that Izuna is as powerful as Uchiha Madara (and he was not permanently sealed)?

In addition to that, the only person who knows everything about Madara other that himself, is his own brother, Izuna. 

Not Unless... OBITO is IZUNA

Did anyone else notice that Obito and Izuna shares the same birthday? February 10! Hmmmmm....

Watch This!!


Based my theory on Kishi's interview (

Question: The legendary shinobi is now immortal! Does Uchiha Madara have any weak point?
Kishi: All strong people have some kind of weak point, but Madara does not. How will the fight from here on out go!? Please stay excited and wait to find out!!

Question: I’m curious about the connection between Madara and Tobi!
: I obviously can’t give too many details, but the two do know each other. What kind of relation they have will be gradually revealed in the current story!!

Question: Will Tobi’s identity be revealed soon…!?
Kishi: Indeed it will. In fact, it should be within the next few weeks!! Everyone, please wait and keep predicting until then!!

Question: How will Naruto and Sasuke’s story proceed now?
Kishi: I think that they will meet up once again during this war. Please look forward to seeing what will happen then!

Question: Now that we’ve entered the climax of the Great Shinobi World War arc, please tell us what some upcoming highlights will be!
Kishi: Everything from here on out will be a highlight!! Everything’s just going to get more and more exciting!! Everyone’s favorite characters will gather together to play a big part!! Please continue enjoying Naruto now that the Great Shinobi World War is in its climax!

Let's see if we're right! Can't wait for the next manga release next Wednesday!!

But I must say, Kishimoto is a true genius!!! =P

Geek Mode Off!!!


  1. obito is tobi chapter 599 and 600

  2. Obito's body yes, but I think he's still Izuna. Izuna in Obito's body.. Let's see what's gonna happen on the next episodes... =P
